Resources and Reference Articles
This short video reinforces how essential the third year is in the internalization and excitement for learning process. Students build skills over two years that they will be able to truly apply in their third. What they may be able to do when they synthesize what they've been learning is incredible, from writing stories to manipulating numbers in the thousands. Worth a look!
This link offers a number of articles from the Montessori world and more, for children of preschool age. A range of topics are addressed in digestible segments, from self-regulation to helping your child love to learn. This one is worth checking out!
What do the founders of Google, John Cusack, Dakota Fanning, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Alexander Graham Bell, George Clooney, Thomas Edison, Yo-Yo Ma, and Julia Child all have in common? Yes, they're all famous, it's true. But they also all share a Montessori background. This article explores the power of critical and independent thinking, and it also argues the idea that even though Montessori teaching methods have been around for years, it's time to make this teaching methodology accessible to everyone through the public sector.